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敝公司魔術空間地板 榮獲95年2月號漂亮居家刊登 榮獲94年2月號漂亮居家刊登 榮獲94年5月17日東森新聞報導 &施工迅速--當天施工.當天完工& *不浪費您多於裝修時間* 拆裝簡易---不傷害您原本地面 置物下方結構皆為金屬製品---加強防潮效果 魔術空間(收納)地板網址: http://guang-song.com.tw/ 在寸土寸金的都市,居高不下的房價是否讓您喘不過氣,隨著家中成員的增加或居住時間的久遠,東西似乎愈來愈多了,真想在有限的空間擴增一個儲藏室,但談何容易呢?別擔心21世紀魔術空間地板-讓您在有限空間中增加一間儲藏室,不僅為您家中重新裝修一間和室,更透過專利設計的儲藏櫃功能,將儲藏室隱身於和室下方,讓您輕鬆擁有「魚與熊掌」 敝公司新推出新型21世紀魔術空間地板(和室收納地板),它具有木地板及收納功能,防焰、防潮、防水,且具有五國專利保證,為目前21世紀家家戶戶必需品
成立時間: 西元1977年 經營理念: In the 30+ years since its beginning, Hong Long developed into one of the leading manufacturers of original equipment metal forgings, stampings, CNC-machining and metal fabrication in the automobile, consumer electronics, transportation, telecommunications and industrial industries. Throughout the companys growth, Hong Long Industrial continually invests in technology and in strengthening its supplier capabilities. 未來願景: To provide the world community with the best manufactured parts by: Training employees to make quality their number one objective. Investing in the latest technology. Constantly working to improve machine and process efficiencies. Always focusing on customers’ needs.
掌易企業有限公司於1980年成立於台灣的高雄縣,機械設備製造為主要營業項目,掌易所秉持的信念是以提供優良產品、服務社會為宗旨。 歷經臺灣工業各階段成長過程,面對經營環境變革,經營理念始終如一。秉持著創新理念;這些年來致力於產品的創新與品質改良,且持續更新與研發,以達到顧客的需求。 用心服務客戶,以維護公司永續經營深耕技術,努力研發新產品,促進產業不斷升級。 未來展望開創國際化事業領域,推動技術與市場合作,擴展公司業績。 目前更進一步跨領域與國內大小企業團體研發交流,涵括 光電產業、環保工業、建築營造、舞台設計等產業展現多元化之技術參與設計規劃。 Chang I In Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of automatic Veneer & Plywood machine, All of member with over 28 years of technical and professional experience manufacturing machine . We continuously research、improve and develop our machines to bring our clients the best machine and services. 服務營運項目 1.合板機械、木工機械設計製造 2.油壓機械設備、油壓機、客製化升降輸送設備 3.機械維修、零組件買賣、配電工程 4.可接受ODM(Original Design Manufacturer)、OEM企業共同合作。
新象休閒時尚有限公司專營休閒品牌的實體通路 新象休閒時尚有限公司倡導 ”創新 first mover 唯才是用” 只要是有利於公司發展的事將全力的配合,創造出意想不到的成果。我們將邀請各路的優秀伙伴加入我們的經營隊,為公司的發展出謀劃策。 新象時尚有限公司高效率的服務態度,並致力提昇企業形象與競爭力,因此自成立以來受到廣大會員的支持與青睞,使本公司得以快速成長,新象以其效率.專業.熱忱並值得信賴的服務在基隆業界迅速的建立商譽﹗新象擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『誠信』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營.成長與發展,達成短期.中期.長期的目標。 Sinshan fashion Ltd., co established on April 11th, 2001 as a traditional sports clothing store near National Taiwan Ocean University as a result of above average service, reasonably priced goods and a large selection of products, had become a renowned and reputable clothes manufacturer and retailer.Taking advantage of favorable market conditions a second shop was established at the Keelung temple business center in January, 2002. The fresh and trendy style of apparel on offer appealed to a wide age spectrum sequentially many more branches could be opened in that same your enabling the company to boast with a current total of six branches in all. The most up-to date marketing computer system are utilized to run and improve the efficiently of the company’s business operations Harrykiki’s management strives continuously to achieve a comprehensive system of service quality control and all new requites are given optimum training.The company shares its business experience of 10 years with all it members, new and old, and it’s enlistment procedures are constantly refined to ensure satisfaction. We ‘initiate’ , always willing to take the first initiative at implementing new ideas to improve business and allow for unexpected original results. We invite individuals to join us and realize their full potential working as a team.As a result of our great efficiency and our emphasis on customer care we have built a considerable and trusting client-base which allows our company to grow rapidly and uniformly.
APO International, founded in February 2004 in Taiwan, is a specialist providing projector lamps for customers from all over the world. The president, Samuel Chen and its expert team have over 10-years experience and rich knowledge in the domain of front/rear projection display industry. Having in-depth knowledge in this domain, which is considered as APO’s core competency, APO possesses a state-of-the-art database containing the technical specification of over 3 thousand project lamps coming from various brands that are available in the market. In addition, APO is one of the few professionals who specialize in researching. It is difficult to find such a company like APO, which can supply quality original modules from projector manufacturers, as well as original bulb inside module with APO housing for over thousands of projectors from over 80 brands.
JR Electrical Company Ltd. has established since 1987, and devoted to manufacturing AUDIO VIDEO connectors at first. From 1991, we extended the development with original A/V connectors, and added to provide professional DJ lightings of gooseneck lamp. In recent years, we dedicated to developing LED for gooseneck lamp, and these LED products are now adopted by many famous companies in Europe, America, Japan, and so on. From now on, JR will try our best to keep developing some new products with the passion like we dealt with the DJ lighting. Moreover, we would like to bring exciting business opportunities with all of you, and hope to grow further flourishing business relationship between you and us. Also, JR expects all of you to win lots of business. In addition, JR will remain working hard in the future on all the products, such as electronic parts and LED gooseneck lamps. That’s what JR insists.
 民國62年5月份成立的三益工業社是由鄧氏兄弟聯手經營,專營馬達生產及馬達的維修組裝。民國63年6月組織擴編,改名為鄧元工業股份有限公司。  鄧元工業股份有限公司早期從馬達的生產組裝到PUMP、逆滲透RO純水機過濾器,以及其他的週邊產品,都在國內外深受肯定及榮獲各類獎項。並於2005年4月通過ISO9001:2000認證、CNAB、TAF認證之經濟部標準檢驗局ISO9001驗證,向品質之路邁進了一步。 Since 1977, Deng Yuan Industrial Co. Ltd has been manufacturing RO pumps and water purification systems from household units to industrial use treatment systems. Our mission is to provide high quality water and air purification products at competitive prices and provide unsurpassed customer service to our valued customers. In addition to Water Quality Association membership, we have received ISO 9001:2000 in 2005 and NSF, SGS, CE, TAF and CNAB certifications as well as national awards and recognition. As to our products and service, we adhere to the highest standard of quality by setting a strict quality control system to our production. and stop nothing short of excellent customer service. Purification systems are designed to customer preferences and thanks to impute from our valued customers we continue to enlarge and improve our selection of water purification products. To provide the best possible product choice, Deng Yuan has united with a team of supplier manufactures to provide the widest choice range possible for our customers. In addition to products like our patented adjustable high pressure pumps and bio-ceramic Kenbisui filters, Deng Yuan continues to innovate and improve on current products. With the continual degradation of drinking water, Deng Yuan sets out to manufacturer environmentally friendly products that not only provide clean water but goes a step further to take drinking water back to its original pristine fullness so that all people can maintain good health.
品牌介紹 品牌源由是由創辦人 黃百路先生所創立的,『百路』是創辦人的名,是將『百路』由後面唸過來,所以有了"路百”的音,延伸出了『路豹』的發音,同時間也將英文發音也同時產生『ZOBR』。 1988年開始,黃百路先生在安南小鎮某個小工作室完成的第一雙男性帆船鞋,便開始了他的拓荒之路,而賢伉儷 LEE成為了他最可靠的支持同時也成為品牌日後發展最重要的設計泉源,永續發展在ZOBR Corp.中已是重要的任務,我們堅持著友善、謙虛及關心足部的福利且對於開發的高度熱誠,所以在產品各部份我們堅持自己研發設計,包括了鞋墊、樣式及鞋底等核心部位。 Brand story The brand has been established by Bai-Lu Huang since 1988, and『Bai-Lu』is his given name. He conceived the idea of the opposite of『Bai-Lu』. He used the〝opposite〞concept, which means『arrival』in Chinese traditions. So the original brand name came up with『Lu-Bai』.『Lu-Bai』was only the pronunciation and he applied the pronunciation to founding ZOBR. That’s the reason how the brand name be originated. He thought the brand name『ZOBR』would be suitable for expanding its wings. Our team explain Zippy Of the BandleadeR to『ZOBR.』 In pronunciation, we directly interpret 『路豹』 in Chinese words. 『路豹』 resembles leopard. The leopard is an agile, strong and vigorous predator The legend has begun since 1988. Mr. Huang finished his first shoes at a small workroom in Anna township. His wife became his good partner, also a designer. They keep their own belief twenty years and never give up. The main core of our company is that we persist in research, development, and design, including shoe-pads, types, and soles.
A-FLASHER TECHNOLOGY CO., Ltd. a supplier and manufacturer of computer products and flash memory products, established in Taipei, Taiwan in 2007, we distribute and manufacture a full range of high quality memory products from MEMORY MODULE, FLASH CARDS and USB PEN DRIVE with original hynix, Samsung, micron…..chips
青禾動畫成立於1991年,主要業務為原創動畫內容開發及衍生產品授權。 2005年~2006年“微笑的魚”動畫電影短片,獲得包括亞太影展最佳動畫(The Best Animation of 51st Asia-Pacific Film Festival)、柏林影展國際評審團特別獎(The Special Prize of the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk)等十多項國際影展的肯定。 2006年“Jokes”動畫系列短片, 贏得法國MIPCOM Mobile TV Awards 最佳原創內容獎 (2006 MIPCOM Mobile TV Awards- Best Original Made for Mobile Film or Video Content)的殊榮,以一系列充滿爆笑搞怪的角色、豐富的內容及多元的題材,提供紓壓的管道、學習幽默的人際溝通及情感表達,透過精采有趣的動畫,使人與人之間更加融洽。 2009年“老爸謝謝您”榮獲第四屆中國原創手機動漫遊戲大賽MOCA金獎。 青禾動畫除了提供數位內容加值服務,如中華電信、遠傳電信、台哥大、威寶電信、中國移動、中國聯通、WiMAX-全球一動、DVB-H-公共電視、手機電視-央廣視訊等,並於公車BeeTV、中華航空、澳門航空、廈門航空、中國50多個機場等電視螢幕播放動畫短片。青禾將更積極開發各項新產品,應用在各種不同的平台許在全球動畫市場成為卓越品牌。
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